
Support education for a child

Our vision is to provide consistent education for children from underprivileged backgrounds who face daily struggles to afford school fees. Schools in rural areas are scarce, often requiring students to walk long distances each day.

As a result, all high schools in these regions offer full boarding to their students. The annual cost for tuition and full boarding is $420 per child.

Your donation can make a difference: a monthly gift of $35 or an annual gift of $420 will help fund a child’s education and open doors to a brighter future.


Name: Joshua M., Age: 19 years, Class, Form 1, His parents are peasant farmers and he requires assistance with fees.


Name: Daniel L. M., Age 16 years, Class Form 2, He a son to a single mother and he has a sibling who is a KCSE candidate this year. His mother is a peasant farmer and with difficulty educating him.


Name: Purity M. Class: Form 3, She is an orphan who is cared for by her grandmother.


Name: Eric M. M., Age: 19 years, Class: Form 3. His parents are peasant farmers paying his fees with difficulty.


Name : Karen M. M., Age: 17 years, Class, Form 3, Her mother passed away and the father is a casual worker. He cannot pay her fees consistently.


Name: Alice K. P., Age: 16 years, Class: Form 3. Her father passed away and her mother is a peasant farmer.


Name: Joel N. M., Age 16 years, Class: Form 2. His parents are peasant farmers and pay his fees with difficulty. He is in dire need of fees.


Name: Sheilla W. M., Age, 17 years, Class, Form 3. Her parents are peasant farmers and pay fees with difficulty. She is in dire need of fees.


Name: Dorcus Mwikali Makau, Age: 18 years, Class: Form 3. Parents are peasant farmers and her mother is currently sick. She is in need of fees.


Name: Joyce K. M., Age: 16 years, Class, Form Two. Her parents are peasant farmers and the mother is currently sick. She is in need of fees.